Eric is also the lead singer of the Los Angeles-based rock band "Born As Ghosts" formerly known as "Fredalba".
The band originally started in late 1997 when Eric and then-bassist Ryan Posner got together for an informel back-porch jam.
Friend Tiffin Roley became the band's guitarplayer. Mario Da Damio was the band's first drummer and Miles Guarneri was the first on the turntables
After Ryan left the group Paul Trutner, bassplayer, was introduced to Eric by a mutual friend.
Blair Shotts, drummer, joined the group after he saw the band perform at The Highlands and replaced Mario.
Charmian Callon, who plays the flute and keyboards, joined the group after Eric replied to her add he saw in Music Connection.
And later on Grady Reinagle replaced Guarneri.
Eric described the band's sound as an amalgamation of the city the band members grew up in, Los Angeles. An amalgamation of hip-shaking Latin rhythms, bass-heavy hip-hop beats, streetwise rock riffs, and funky soul grooves.
The band made it's debut at the Opium Den in March of 1998 and a weekly gig at Goldfingers followed.
Fredalba wound up in the studio recording their debut EP "Real Low Underneath" for Val Jean Records and released their first album "Uptown Music For Downtown Kids" in 2003 for Piller Records. The album was re-released in 2004.
How the band came up with the name "Fredalba" is an interesting story. It started in Paris, France. Eric and Tiffin got stuck in the city with no French francs. They only had American dollars on them. They ran into a streetwalker, prostitute, named "Fredalba" who helped them out by exchanging their dollars with euros. She took them for about five times the amount her euros were actually worth btw. A few months later Eric and Tifiin were driving up to Big Bear, California, where they always go to snowboard and this time they noticed a road up there called "Fredalba". The two friends looked at each other and remembered the woman they met in Paris had the same name and then it came to them; That's going to be the name of the band "Fredalba"!
The band changed it's name into "Born As Ghosts" in 2006.
Born As Ghosts have a facebook page:
They can also be found on my space:
The album "Uptown Music For Downtown Kids" is available at and iTunes.
Tiffin Roley guitar:
Born and raised in Hollywood, California, USA.
He celebrates his birthday on August 22nd.
BlairShotts drums:
From Mobile, Alabama, USA.
His birthday is on February 10th.
Has worked with artists like Rihanna and Pharell Williams.
Charmian Callon flute & keyboards:
Grew up in Los Angeles and Maui.
Her birthday is on February 25th.
Paul Trutner bass:
Also a native Californian.
Born on November 04th 1970.
Grady Reinagle turntables:
Grew up in Arizona and Califonria.
Grady left BAG in 2009.